Documentary History


The digital magazine Directivo al Día (before El Directivo al Día) arises from the Information Management Group of the Center for Information and Technological Management ( belonging to the Science Technology organization and Environment (CITMA) in Villa Clara in April 2001.

The beginning…

The information, in the form of a bulletin via email, was sent as a weekly service for the scientific dissemination of information to state entities in the territory that lacked Internet access. In each issue, 2 scientific articles were published (obtained from recognized websites) and a third with scientific and technical news. Starting in 2007, it began to be published biweekly with original articles and in 2018 the magazine began to be published quarterly until today.

The Editorial Board of the digital magazine: Directivo al Día accepts articles in its various modalities such as: Scientific articles, reviews, short communications and letters to the editor, addressing updated information on organizational management based on various topics related to:

-Organizational Management

-Human Talent Management

-Quality management

-Information and Knowledge Management

-Environmental management

-Industrial property

-Technological innovation

-Organizational climate

The magazine has a website referenced at It does not charge any type of fee or charge for publication. It also assumes the Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 International License. Budapest Declaration (Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002) and Berlin Declaration (Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, 2003), it also has a Facebook page for promotions under the URL: https://www.